Click on our CALENDAR for holidays and closures.
Reserving the Community Room
Requirements. You can reserve the library community room if:
Your event is free and open to the public and community.
You represent a local not-for-profit or cultural organization. (For-profit or commercial entities are prohibited unless approved by the Library Board of Trustees.)
You agree to our policy and closing instructions.
The room is not in use.
Is your organization eligible to reserve a room? Read our Community Room & Maker Space Policy, Request/Agreement, and Closing Instructions in its entirety. Requests that do not meet policy criteria are denied.
Reserve Online only. If your event is within the policy criteria, then you may submit a request online only The library will not make reservations by phone.
If you have a reservation outside of library hours:
Sign out a key during regular library hours, which are listed below.
Library staff will not be available if your organization forgets to pick up the key in advance.
If your event ends outside of library hours, return the key in book drop, located at front of main library entrance.
Those reserving a room are liable for any damages or loss of key.
Room & Equipment. Please bring your own laptop to use our HDMI connecting projector. For details on the rooms and equipment please review: Community Room and Makerspace.