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Strategic Plan 2023-2025

North Valley Public Library Mission Statement

The mission of the North Valley Public Library is to strengthen and support our community by:

•  fostering a welcoming and comfortable setting for all people to gather, explore, and discover;

•  promoting literacy and lifelong learning;

•  providing exemplary programming, service, and quality, timely materials.

Goal/Strategic Area: Programming 


1. Boost the new science program for children ages 8-12

2. Investigate the feasibility of an art program for kids 5-10.

Goal/Strategic Area: Financial Sustainability/Funding


1. Continue to nurture partnership with Foundation.

2. Advocate for the library with the community and donors. 

Goal/Strategic Area: Building/Facility Issues


1. The library is in need of an attractive, healthy, accessible library building to serve the community for years to come. 

2. Identify and secure a new location for a new building.  

Goal/Strategic Area: Operations & Access


Consolidate work shifts. Eliminate short shifts, particularly shifts less than 4 hours to attract employees further than the immediate environs. Make shifts more attractive to a wider pool of employee candidates.

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